
January 24, 2011

Turku INT show 22.-23.1.2011

Two Iosono Cirnecos were entered in Turku INT show (6 Cirnecos total). This was the first show to us with the new show regulations. Nowadays the dog has to be awarded with excellent AND the CQ (certificate quality) in order to continue to the best male/female ring.

The Cirnecos had a strict judge, Hanne Laine Jensen, who gave only two CQs and the other one was Peppi (Iosono Deja Vu) who also went Best of Breed! Capo (Iosono Siciliano) got excellent but without the CQ.

Peppi to the left

We also had two IGs entered for Rudi Brandt. When entering the dogs we thought they would compete in puppy class as they turned 9 months the day of the show. According to the new show regulations they were actually in Junior Class because before a dog had to be turned x months the day before the show!

The judge liked really much Lucas (Iosono Odysseus) and gave him a striking critique but due to Luca's puppylike movements he was placed 2nd in his class but he gained excellent! The judge came to me after the judgement and said that I had really beautiful dog in my hands and if Luca's movements get tidier Lucas will have a really bright future. Lucas' sister Uma (Iosono Olympia) got very good.