
May 30, 2010

Joensuu National Show 29.5. & International Show 30.5.2010

Day 1 national show: Dina (Iosono Divina) was Best Female 2nd with CAC and became Finnish Champion.
Day 2 international show: Dina was BOB with CACIB.

May 29, 2010

Agility competition in Rauma 29.5.2010

Tosca (Iosono Diamante) & Inka had two starts:
1. start: We got one fault due to Inka's mistake but otherwise the course went extremely well, time was a lot of under the standard course time. We placed 5th out of 30 dogs.
2. start: not qualified due to Tosca's interest to A-frame instead of jump but the rest of the course went without faults. ;)

May 23, 2010

Derby lure coursing competition in Hyvinkää 23.5.2010

Every year there is a lure competition for dogs who turn 3 years during the year. This year there were two dogs in this competition and our superstar in lure coursing, Dina, (Iosono Divina) won the race with new title Derby Lure Coursing Winner 2010 (DVM-10). Only one race (and not two) was ran due to bad circumstances in the competition.

The results:

1. Iosono Divina 224 points DVM-10
2. Colisto's Armani 214 LC CAC

May 22, 2010

23.5.2010 Helsinki International Show

9 Cirnecos participated in the show for Säde Hohteri (Finland). Today the brightest star was our very own Tosca (Iosono Diamante) who was Best of Breed with the final CACIB that made Tosca new International Champion! Handsome Rocco (Iosono Ganimede) was 2nd best male with res-CAC and he was also BOB junior. Ninja (Vespinja's Cara Mia Iosono) was 3rd best bitch and Coco (Vespinja's Delightful) won her class and gained res-CAC.

Agility competition in Vantaa 22.5.2010

Two starts to Tosca (Iosono Diamante) & Inka.

The 1st start: one fault and some extra time but because the course was difficult, Inka & Tosca placed 2nd
The 2nd start: not qualified because Tosca wanted to run to teeter-trotter instead of tunnel that is normally Tosca's favourite.

May 16, 2010

Mynämäki national show 16.5.2010

The Cirnecos were judged by Margaret Martin (Ireland).
Saga (Iosono Questa Qua) was Best of Opposite Sex with final CAC and she became Finnish Champion
Our younster Capo (Iosono Siciliano) was Best of Breed (he has been BOB 4 times out of 4 shows this year) with CAC.

Turenki group show 16.5.2010

Team WC (aka Wilma & Coco) participated in Turenkin show under Marianne Holm (Finland). Wilma (Iosono Di Moda) was Best of Breed with final CAC and she became Finnish Champion. Coco (Vespinja's Delightful) was 2nd best female & got res-CAC.

May 15, 2010

Rauma national show 15.5.2010

Capo (Iosono Siciliano) was Best of Breed with CAC, judged by Kirsti Louhi.

May 13, 2010

13.5.2010 Kajaani lure coursing competition

The most winning lure courser of the last year, Dina (Iosono Divina), made it clear that she is still going strong. Dina was Best in Field of all breed and she gained record points (535) for the breed! Besides this, Dina got the 5th LC CAC and she became Finnish Lure Coursing Champion! The judge said that Dina's final run was almost perfect.

The results:

1. Iosono Divina 265+270 = 535 CAC -> Finnish Lure Coursing Champion
2. Kimblewick Judith 242+238=480 SA
3. Vespinja's Carezza 182+219=401 SA
4. Vespinja's Eris 95

May 9, 2010

9.5.2010 Salo dog show

Iosono Siciliano BOB & CAC
Iosono Questa Qua BOS & CAC.

May 8, 2010

8.5.2010 Pello dog show

Iosono Dolce Vita was BOB with final CAC at Pello dog show and she became Finnish Champion! In the group finals Tiara was selected among the best 7 dogs. Congratulations Tiara & Terhi!

May 2, 2010

Health checks

Thanks to our puppy owners for taking their dogs to eye & patella tests:

Italian Greyhound Iosono Fiamma clear eyes & patella 0/0
Italian Greyhound Necku Iosono Verona vitreous degeneration and some other modifications in the eyes (Nala's eyes were examined clear in 2006 so it's very important to do re-check to older dogs, too)
Cirneco dell'Etna Iosono Diamante clear eyes (except only one additional eyelash in inner eyelid) & patella 0/0
Cirneco dell'Etna Iosono Di Moda clear eyes & patella 0/0
Cirneco dell'Etna Iosono Qualitativo clear eyes & patella 0/0
Cirneco dell'Etna Iosono Quintessenza clear eyes & patella 0/0